Import declaration
Job responsibilities:
The complete and valid declaration documents provided by the shipper shall be filed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the customs law, and the formal declaration documents with legal effect shall be formed after collating and summarizing. In cases involving taxes, the customs shall issue tax or nuclear tax in a timely manner, and release the goods in a timely manner without requiring inspection by the customs. Actively assist the customs in the examination of the goods. Have a problem to want to undertake filling duty, delete sheet, change, the problem is serious turn into relevant branch further processing.
Work procedures
1. The shipper shall promptly provide complete, true, effective and clear customs declaration documents, specifically
Ocean bill of lading
Commercial invoice, packing list, import contract, manual and chronology, customs declaration power of attorney (original)
Table of payment (except for wire transfer)
Customs declaration (an informal declaration prepared by a shipper to provide customs data)
Others (those involved in certificate and inspection should provide their supervision documents, and return goods should also provide the export declaration at that time, etc.)
2. Drawn up to check the customs declaration by making grass, document should be paid attention to when the data is accurate and consistent as wade certificate, wade checked to see whether the documents, all related inspection of the goods to inform inspection declaration member, and provide necessary inspection documents and account of operator input relevant information into customs account system, so that the rotating, and in the future.
3. Send the prepared customs declaration draft to the entry bank for entry, and urge the necessary but untimely documents, certificates and inspections for customs declaration.
4. After the input is completed, carefully check and send the electronic data to the document examination center. After passing, print the formal customs declaration. In case of returning the documents, please contact the document examination officer and the shipper to pass the document examination center as soon as possible.
5. Bind the documents required for customs declaration, fill in the customs declaration number and power of attorney at the signature office, and submit the paper documents to the customs site. After the documents to be inspected are issued by the customs, they will be timely handed over to the inspectors to handle the inspection matters.
6. All duty-related goods shall be handed over to the owner of the goods or his agent to pay taxes in time after the customs prints the tax bill. Upon completion of the payment, the customs declarer shall present the tax bill with the bank transfer seal to the customs for clearance. Goods not involved in tax may be released after the customs examination of the documents and without inspection requirements.
7. After the duty-related goods are released, they shall receive the release bill of lading, remittance slip and unused supervision documents. After the duty-related goods are released, they shall receive the release bill of lading, remittance slip and remittance slip. Manual and free form, should pay attention to get.
8. Notify the shipper and his agent of the release of the bill of lading, should be promptly retrieved, urging the clearance charges.
1. 发货人应当及时提供完整、真实、有效、清晰的报关单证
2. 拟定检查报关草,文档数据时应注意准确和一致的韦德证书,韦德检查这些文件,是否所有相关检验的货物通知报检员,和提供必要的检验文件和账户的操作符将相关信息输入海关账户系统,这样旋转,在未来。
4. 输入完成后,仔细核对并将电子数据发送到文件审核中心。通过后,打印正式的报关单。如需退回文件,请与文件审核人员及发货人联系,尽快通过文件审核中心。
5. 装订报关所需文件,在签证处填写报关单号和委托书,并将纸质文件提交到海关现场。待查验单证由海关签发后,及时移交查验人员办理查验事宜。
6. 海关印制税单后,应当及时将完税货物移交货主或者其代理人缴纳税款。完税后,报关员凭加盖银行转账印章的税单到海关办理报关手续。不涉及纳税的货物,海关查验单证后可以放行,不需要查验。
7. 完税货物放行后,领取放行提单、汇款单和未使用的监管文件。完税货物放行后,领取放行提单、汇款单、汇款单。手工和自由的形式,应注意得到。
8. 通知托运人及其代理人放提单时,应及时取回,催促清关费用。
- 国际集装箱出口:首选预订根据客户要求---国内集装箱拖车服务---港口码头包装服务 - 报关(检验)服务---目的香港海关 清关服务---目的港到门服务。
- 国际集装箱进口:根据收件人的要求,首选订舱---国外集装箱拖车服务---码头港口包装服务 - 报关(报检)服务---国内清关服务(关税,相关政策咨询)---国内门到门服务。
- 多家船公司、航线优势,为客户优选性价比最高的船公司
- 每个船公司的包装服务合理,每个仓库和码头都有现场人员。可随时反馈包装进度。
- 专业加固团队在大型设备,钢卷,钢材和其他商品的包装要求方面拥有绝对的经验。
- 专业打托、缠膜、熏蒸服务
- 货柜规格明细
- 20尺钢制干货柜、40尺钢制干货柜、40尺超高钢制干货柜/li>
- 厚壁管,厚壁钢管,厚壁无缝钢管,小口径厚壁无缝钢管箱;提供航空运输和快递,空运和海运联合运输等联合运输解决方案;
- 货架管,防腐钢管包装;为世界各主要城市的港口提供清关和相关服务
- 门到门提货,代理报关,代理检验等服务; 联合代理发挥多年报关的优势,可以灵活处理深圳各海关港口物流难度高的货物,降低成本;
- 普通集装箱的整箱,拼箱货物运输;
- 特殊集装箱货物运输,包括开顶箱,框架箱,平板箱箱等;
- 相关配套预订,送货,商检,报关,熏蒸,仓储,送货和保险服务。
- 确保货物运输的安全。 集装箱运输大大减少了传统运输方式下的手动装卸和搬运次数。 这可以避免货物事故,如人为和自然因素造成的损坏,水分流失和损失,并减少经济损失。
- 节省包装材料的商品。 通过使用集装箱运输,可以简化或不包装,节省包装材料和成本,并降低商品成本。